Gone? Never Forgotten
by Jonathan Richerson on February 5th, 2025
Today, the BBC is reporting on an advance in technology that will allow us to read ancient scrolls that were long believed too damaged to be usable.  Several years ago, hundreds of scrolls were found in the charred remains of the Roman town of Herculaneum.  The entire area was destroyed by the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD.  Similar to Pompeii, it was buried beneath layers of volcani...  Read More
Awards That Tarnish
by Jonathan Richerson on January 22nd, 2025
By most accounts, the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris was a success.  According to the International Olympic Committee, there were a total of 878 medal events across individual and team disciplines and a combined total of 5,084 medals awarded at Olympic and Paralympic Games.  The medals were unique in the fact that each one contained a piece of original iron from the Eiffel Tower. A great piece of his...  Read More
Look To The Night Sky
by Jonathan Richerson on January 15th, 2025
I have always been fascinated by the night sky.  I don’t think I could make it as an astronaut, but I have a great deal of respect for what they do and the contribution they make to science.  The creation of the solar system is one of the first things mentioned in the Bible.  God speaking all things into existence out of nothing is one of the key principles in understanding Biblical theology.  Bas...  Read More
Called Out By An Atheist
by Jonathan Richerson on January 8th, 2025
In the New Year, everyone is evaluating their position in an attempt to refocus and reengage their place in society and personal wellness.  I, like so many others, read through all the self-help articles, spiritual advice and “Bible In One Year” challenges trying to find inspiration for myself and to help lead others at our church.  This year, like many in the past, there are plenty of advice colu...  Read More
Eyes Have Not Seen, Ears Have Not Heard
by Jonathan Richerson on December 18th, 2024
On April 15, 2019, the World watched in horror as the Notre Dame Cathedral was in a blaze.  Hundreds of firefighters and emergency workers rushed to save what could be salvaged as onlookers watched helplessly.  After many years of dedicated work and millions in donations, the site was reopened the first week of December this year.  Over the next few weeks and months many of the items that were sav...  Read More
Your Invitation To Offer An Invitation
by Jonathan Richerson on December 4th, 2024
A new survey on Christmas trends has been published by LifeWay Research.  https://research.lifeway.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Lifeway-Americans-Aug-2024-Christmas-Report.pdfLifeWay takes time each year to gauge the holiday pulse of the American people.  Once again, their research has shown that Christmas is still important in the hearts and minds of most people.  In the report, Scott McConnell...  Read More
We Need Those Empty Boxes More Than They Do
by Jonathan Richerson on November 20th, 2024
Seeing all of the Operation Christmas Child boxes stacked on stage this past Sunday gave each of us a feeling of community.  This is one of those events, like VBS, where every person in the church has a part to play.  Over 200 boxes collected to send to boys and girls around the world, represent a spirit of contentment with our material possessions and a need to share with others out of our abunda...  Read More
God Can Change Any Heart
by Jonathan Richerson on November 13th, 2024
Just a few minutes ago, I saw the President and President-elect shake hands in the Oval Office.  In previous days, their words for the other were harsh, hateful and cruel.  Today, somehow, they can move on from what has become a political game to the players, but the tension lives on in their “fans” after the game is over.  The problem is that this is not a game.  It’s been a week and there are pe...  Read More
I Have The Solution To Your Problems
by Jonathan Richerson on November 6th, 2024
My two favorite headlines of the day:No more sad lunches! Make a better sandwich with chef-approved tips and toolshttps://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/no-more-sad-lunches-make-a-better-sandwich-with-chef-approved-tips-and-tools-155337068.htmlThis Is The Secret Ingredient For The Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookieshttps://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/secret-ingredient-perfect-chocolate-chip-115819293.htmlTwo solu...  Read More
Leave the Front Door Light of Opportunity On
by Jonathan Richerson on October 30th, 2024
Here are some facts from www.candystore.com. Americans are expected to spend 3.5 billion on Halloween candy this year. 12 billion over all. M&Ms have taken over the top candy for the first time, knocking Reese's Cup to second. In Tennessee, Reese's are still number one.  While Maine Kansas and New Hampshire prefer candy corn? Halloween Candy Quick Facts-172 million Americans celebrate Halloween-32...  Read More
A False Sense of Security?
by Jonathan Richerson on October 16th, 2024
Reading over the headlines for today, one caught my attention. The NYPost:  “Star Wars’ unveils first transgender Stormtrooper, Sister — and fans are divided”  The story reports:   The first transgender Stormtrooper, named Sister, appears in the new book “Star Wars: The Secrets of the Clone Troopers.” According to the X account Star Wars Holocron, the character Captain Rex gives a description of S...  Read More
Chocolate Milk Comes From Brown Cows?
by Jonathan Richerson on October 9th, 2024
Back in 2017, the internet was shocked to learn that seven percent of Americans were found to believe chocolate milk comes from brown cows; 48 percent of respondents said they don’t know where chocolate milk comes from. The same research reported that another agriculture study had discovered that four out of 10 fourth, fifth and sixth-graders didn't realize cows are used to make hamburgers and thr...  Read More





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